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As all 1MM Studio artists, we have endless love for our fellow animal friends who live among us. Whether it's a bag of fur residing in our home without paying rent, or a predator in the wild, working on animal tattoos has always been a source of great joy for us.

Here are 26 different tattoo design examples of animal (pet) tattoos, each more beautiful than the other, done by 1MM Tattoo Studio artists in Los Angeles, California.

If you want to immortalize your dearest friends who touched your life, you can consult us through our contact page or book your appointment from our booking page.

Tattoo of an exotic yellow frog over geometric design


Frogs are of great artistic and cultural importance to people living on the northwest coast. In these regions, it is possible to see frogs on totems or at the entrance of houses.

The Meaning of Frog Tattoos

Since frogs can live both in water and on land, they often symbolize renewal and seasonal changes. Frogs are also considered healers and cleansers of evil spirits in many different cultures. Frogs also represent abundance, ancient wisdom, rebirth, and luck.

A fineline geometric tattoo of a crow reading a book


In modern western culture, crows have many different meanings. Seen as the messenger of the future, crows also symbolize long life, wisdom, intelligence, and destiny.

The Meaning of Crow Tattoos

Crows, which symbolize strength and endurance, are considered dark entities due to their proximity to death. Crows have a positive place in today's modern understanding of spirituality, but crow feathers are associated with black magic, death, and the unknown.

Color tattoo of Appa from the animation Avatar: The Last Airbender


Resembling a bison, Appa has learned to fly thanks to his airbending skills, despite his heavy and clumsy appearance. Appa, who assisted the Avatar team on their long journeys, has formed a very tight bond with his teammates.

The Meaning of Appa Tattoo

Appa represents strength & endurance and symbolizes friendship, loyalty, intelligence, vegetarianism, mystery, and understanding.

A funny tattoo of a giraffe making a joke


Since the mythological and folkloric features of giraffes are limited to the African continent, their spiritual aspect is not well known. The giraffes, which have a great reputation on the local people, are seen as spiritual beings located between earth and heaven.

The Meaning of Giraffe Tattoos

Giraffes represent uniqueness and individuality, while symbolizing self-confidence, inner peace, awareness, guidance, kindness and modesty.

Colored tattoo of an Indian Runner Duck over geometric design


Indian runner ducks are the most recognizable of all ducks. Also known as penguin ducks for their looks, they are famous for their fast running. Indian runner ducks tend to live in a closed community, instilling confidence in their friends and fear in their enemies.

The Meaning of Duck Tattoos

Indian runner ducks symbolize protection, unity, trust, and friendship.

Single line tattoo of a Dachshund breed dog


These dogs, who can handle any situation skillfully in all kinds, are famous for their quick decision-making. That's why Dachshund dogs are traditionally seen as the symbol of Germany.

The Meaning of Dachshund Tattoos

Dachshunds symbolize freedom, loyalty, protection, determination, self-confidence, and endurance.

Color tattoo of a psychedelic cat over geometric design


The fascinating influence of cats on humans for thousands of years is undeniable. Since 8000 BC, cats have been living with humans and are increasingly essential for us too.

The Meaning of Psychedelic Cat Tattoo

Cats symbolize grace, curiosity, mischief, independence, protectionism, fascination, friendship, and many more. Since these little creatures tend to make us think that we are dreaming, this tattoo highlights the psychedelic aspect of them.

Fine line geometric tattoo of Skoll and Hati from Norse mythology


Skoll and Hati, the children of the wolf god Fenrir, are among the most feared characters in Norse mythology. Legend has it that Skoll chases the Sun and Hati the Moon. It is believed that one day they will eventually catch the things they hunt, and it is accepted that this will be an omen of doom.

The Meaning of Skoll & Hati Tattoos

Skoll and Hati; While it symbolizes the endless cycle of life and death, it also symbolizes chaos, power, and time.

Single needle tattoo of a panda portrait


Thanks to pandas' cute and cuddly looks, we all feel like we have an invisible bond with them. If you, like them, enjoy life to the fullest and want to feed those around you with this gain, perhaps the panda can be your spirit animal.

The Meaning of Panda Tattoos

Pandas, while evoking a feeling of fun, comfort, and serenity, also symbolizes being calm, patient, compassionate, and sensitive

Fine line geometric of two sharks in the form of Yin Yang over geometric design with color


Sharks, unlike humans, have been living on this earth for hundreds of millions of years, meaning that sharks have been around longer than trees. If you, like them, can go after what you want in this life without getting tired and with determination, then the shark is your spirit animal.

This matching tattoo features a great white shark and a whale shark, representing two siblings.

The Meaning of Shark Tattoos

Sharks symbolize authority, curiosity, focus, efficiency, knowledge, mystery, power, perception, protection, superiority, and self-defense.

Color tattoo of a Beagle breed dog over geometric design


The Beagle breed, often known as therapy friends due to their characteristic features, is very successful in providing the happiness and joy of life that their owner needs.

In this tattoo design, you see his favorite toy and his last meal when he says goodbye to life after 18 years of fun and happiness with his owner.

The Meaning of Beagle Tattoos

Beagles symbolize joy, fun, and happiness.

Single needle tattoo of a tiger


Although its origin is in the Asian continent, the tigers' fame has spread worldwide, and an irreplaceable position has been obtained in many mythologies and cultures. The Tigers are famous for their impressive looks, power, and fearlessness.

The Meaning of Tiger Tattoos

Tigers symbolize strength, cunning, self-confidence, majesty, independence, and immortality.

Fine line geometric tattoo of a Cardinal on a branch with flowers


Cardinals are among the most admired birds for their beauty and striking colors. These birds have often been considered religious and spiritual symbols throughout human history. If a cardinal is encountered, it is believed they have a hidden message from the spiritual powers.

The Meaning of Cardinal Tattoos

Cardinals symbolize transformation, loyalty, hope, passion, love, and endurance.

Color tattoo of a Morh as seen in the video game The Last Of Us


The famous video game "The Last of Us" is the inspiration for this moth tattoo, the first part of a bigger tattoo that will follow later. This moth tattoo, originally a cover-up in the scenario, is a nod to a rebel group's name within the game. The basic instinct of its nature, which represents the endless search for light, is the main reason for inspiration.

The Meaning of Moth Tattoos

Moths symbolize transformation, end, death, and the mystery of the night.

Micro realism tattoo of a cute puppy with color


Dogs are the first of all animals to be domesticated, and this is because of their protective role as loyal and vigilant guards. The main inspiration for this tattoo is that it has become a part of the family with its endless loyalty and unconditional love for its owner.

The Meaning of Dog Tattoos

Dogs symbolize harmony, family, friendship, loyalty, patience, courage, protection, sensitivity, purpose, and joy.

Fine line geometric tattoo of a busy bee with color


Since ancient times, it has been believed that honey bees carry a sacred message and are sent to inspire people to organize and gather around a single purpose. That is why the expressions "busy like a bee" and "a hive of activity" has become popular.

The Meaning of Bee Tattoos

Bees symbolize a strong work ethic, team play, industrialization, fertility, focus, dedication, prosperity, and generosity.

Surreal tattoo of a butterfly with the wings of a bird


The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly has always created an astonishing and magical effect on people. As you can imagine, this transformation has been used as a spiritual metaphor symbolizing rebirth among humans.

The hero of this tattoo has not only transformed but is flapping its wings to fly away after its dreams, just like a bird.

The Meaning of Butterfly Tattoos

Butterflies symbolize change, transformation, new beginnings, hope, joy, and mystery.

Fine line geometric tattoo of two warblers and a butterfly with color


The main inspiration of this tattoo, which describes the loving union of two birds singing love songs with joy, is their commitment to each other and their lives in harmony with nature. If you prefer to be away from people and in touch with nature, these birds can be your spirit animal.

The Meaning of Warbler Tattoos

Warblers symbolize self-expression, seeking justice, being cheerful and energetic, and living in the moment.

Color tattoo of a monster from the book Where The Wild Things Are


The inspiration for this tattoo, "Where The Wild Things Are" is more than just an adventure story; it contains deeper meanings that make you think carefully about scary feelings. In this tattoo, you see a monster that does not stop loving despite the pain and wounds it has suffered over the years.

The Meaning of Monster Tattoos

Monsters symbolize divine warning, falling from heaven, and bringing balance.

Fine line geometric tattoo of a duck


Spread across all continents, ducks have inspired people for centuries by taking their place in many different cultures and mythologies. Ducks have been the protagonists of the funniest jokes around because they are genuinely charming and cute. The meaning behind this particular tattoo is the nickname the owner earned after her success.

The Meaning of Duck Tattoos

Ducks symbolize good fortune, happiness, fun, benevolence, attachment, romance, purification, and transformation.

Micro realism tattoo of the wolf god Skoll from Norse Mythology


Skoll is an essential character in Norse mythology, symbolizing the sunrise. This wild wolf, who has devoted his life to catching the chariot carrying the sun, undertakes an important task that will one day reach his goal and cause the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.

The Meaning of Skoll Tattoos

Skol symbolizes time, sunrise, new beginnings, focus, dedication, fearlessness, and the endless cycle.

Micro realism tattoo of a sparrow symbolizing Icarus from Greek mythology


Although Icarus is a minor character in Greek mythology, he is a legend that reaches broad audiences with his story. In this tattoo design, Icarus is depicted as a sparrow who loses his luck by flying too high because he cannot fully grasp the nature of the wings bestowed upon him.

The Meaning of Icarus Tattoos

Icarus symbolizes luck, new beginnings, youth, opportunities, wisdom, excitement, passion, freedom, and, most importantly, making mistakes.

Micro realism tattoo of a baby sparrow resting in heaven


Birds are exceptional animals that arouse admiration and inspiration, which is why they have become symbols of great importance in many cultures.

In this tattoo design, you see a fallen sparrow bird that took refuge in its savior, saying goodbye to life in peace and comfort while going to heaven.

The Meaning of Bird Tattoos

Birds symbolize freedom, happiness, love, hope, peace, and good fortune.

Fine line geometric tattoo of a dove flying in heaven over a lotus flower


A beloved family member who was always a tremendous support for a young girl in her early life is the inspiration for this tattoo design. While the moon and sun in the design represent the passing of time, the dove flying in the sparkles of heaven watches the princess grow and bloom like a guardian angel. The Lotus flower symbolizes rebirth thanks to this loving touch.

The Meaning of Lotus Tattoos

Lotus symbolizes purity, cleanliness, simplicity, strength, endurance, and rebirth.

Fine line geometric tattoo of a Flamingo from the animated movie Fantasia 2000


Flamingos are flamboyant, elegant, and romantic creatures, which fascinate people with their striking colors, long thin legs, and long necks, symboling elegance, and richness in many cultures.

In this tattoo, you see a fun flamingo playing yoyo inspired by the 1999 Disney animated movie Fantasia 2000.

The Meaning of Flamingo Tattoos

Flamingos symbolize beauty, life balance, spiritual strength, salvation, compassion, and benevolence.

Color tattoo of the California's grizzly bear holding poppy flowers and a branch of coronavirus


Bears, one of the strongest and scariest mammals in the world, have inspired people for thousands of years with their bold and robust stances. The grizzly bear, which is also the symbol of the State of California, is the main inspiration for this tattoo. This tattoo, which we designed for someone who has spent a significant part of his life in California during the pandemic, contains poppy flowers, another symbol of California, and the coronavirus.

The Meaning of Bear Tattoos

Bears symbolize strength, will, courage, nobility, patience, vitality, and health.

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